Your donation to Cedar Rapids Opera does more than just fund a show; it supports a vibrant community of artists, musicians, production staff, and more. Each gift plays a crucial role in bringing world-class performances to life and enriching the cultural fabric of our community.
Ticket sales cover only a small percentage of our production costs. We rely on your generosity to sustain and elevate our artistic endeavors.
Join us in making opera accessible and unforgettable for everyone.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous supporters whose contributions fuel the passion and creativity of our performances in our 26th season!
But we can't do it alone - We invite you to join us in bringing the magic of opera to life by becoming a donor today. Your support ensures that Cedar Rapids continues to thrive as a hub of artistic excellence.
Season 26 Donors:
Donations received from 9/1/23-8/31/24
Carol Hills
Virginia Michalicek
Mary Taylor
Mark and Tracy Zimmerman
Niles S. and Lois B. Dusdieker
Sallie Streib
Beth Swaney
Deb and Charlie Kucera
Mary Ann Kucera
Ronald Reider
Kenneth E Baughman
James Beranek
Jennifer Bliss and Dr. Eric Hoffman
Scot Brown
David Caves
David Chadima
Betty Debban
Charles Jacoby
Deb Jurkowski
Keith and Cheryl Krewer
David and Mary Jo Rater
Joan and Peter Riley
Chad Sonka
Robert F and Bertha M Tribuno
Christine and James Walters
Marc & Joni Wallace
Michael and Melinda Weaverling
Kristen Wilcox
Susan Wolverton
Pat & Judy Baird
Anna & Jim Barker
DNE Caplan Family
Patrice and Thomas Carroll
Curtis Cox
Lisa Doom
Jenni Hummel
Mark & Corenne Liabo
Abbott B and Joan M Lipsky
Catherine Payvandi
John and Ann Persick
Abigail Rethwisch
Hope Solomons
John and Ellen Buchanan
Libby Slappey and Charles Crawley
Kathryn Franzenburg and William Davis
Jim Eichhorn
Nancy and Tom Lackner
Stephanie Michalicek
Lora Schmoll
Ruth Spieker
John and Karen Brandt
Steven & Vicki Ciha
Jean Deasy
Michael Egel
John and Kathleen Gass
William Goeddel Jr
Nancy Hagen and Jonathan Thull
Louis A Harvieux
Kissy and Charlie Heins
William and Susan Jones
David Judisch
Adam and Stephanie Kaefring
Jeanette Kellerman
Mary C Kelley
Denise Klemp
Donald Klingenberger
James and Nancy Lamorgese
Alan Lange
Marcia and Cedric Lofdahl
Ted and Margaret Nelson
Mark Ogden
Melissa Summers
Charles & Mary Sue Vernon
Ekhard and Wendy Ziegler